There’s something about Rafiki’s wisdom that just hits different. When he tells Mufasa,“It’s not what I see, it’s what I feel,”he’s not just talking about intuition. He’s talking about connection to your higher self, to something beyond logic, to that deep knowing that doesn’t need proof.

And here’s the thing: if you know it exists, it does.

 We spend so much time looking for signs, validation, external confirmation that what we feel is real. But what if we flipped that? 

What if feeling was the proof? 

When you feel drawn to something, it’s because it’s already meant for you. When you just know something is right (or wrong), that’s your higher self speaking. When you sense a deeper meaning in a moment, it’s because it’s there.

 Seeing Is Overrated. Feeling Is Everything.

 We’ve been conditioned to believe that if something isn’t visible, measurable, or logical, it doesn’t exist. But the most important things in life?

They’re all about feeling.

Love. Purpose. Alignment. The instant recognition when you meet someone who just gets you. The way a certain place, song, or moment can make you feel at home without explanation.

Rafiki wasn’t saying “ignore reality.” He was saying redefine reality - because what you feel is just as real as what you see. Maybe even more real.

If You Know, You Know.

 At the end of the day, you don’t have to prove your feelings to anyone. You don’t have to justify what you know deep inside.If you feel the connection, it’s real.If you feel the energy, it’s there.If you know it exists - it does.

So, the real question is: What do you feel?

I feel it. You?